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Ara: History Untold at Gamescom 2023!

Calling all Ara: History Untold fans!

This is a big week for us because we just revealed our brand-new gameplay trailer at Gamescom 2023! We’re so excited to finally give you a sneak peek into the immersive world of Ara. If you’re attending Gamescom this year, come visit us at the Xbox booth and meet the team. We’ll guide you through the game’s early moments and show you all the cool features we’ve been working on.

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Watch our Gameplay Trailer with Audio Descriptions

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If this is your first time with us, welcome! Our weekly Developer Diaries will catch you up to speed on everything you need to know about Ara. We’ve already talked about Dangerous Wildlife, Natural Resources, and diverse biomes, and even showed you how to grow your city. And let’s not forget about Ara’s True Simultaneous Turns which add a whole new level of strategy to the game!

Screenshot of Ara: History Untold showing a city center with beams of light coming out of it.

We’re sharing all this cool stuff on Steam, so make sure to check back here every week for new info. Your support means everything to us, and we’re working hard to make Ara: History Untold the best gaming experience ever.

Thank you for joining us on this incredible journey, and don’t forget to join the Insider Program!


The Ara: History Untold Team