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Acts & Eras with Michael Califf

A screenshot of a modern city full of skyscrapers surrounding the Statue of Liberty.

Hey there, history buffs and Ara enthusiasts!

Last week, we released a new episode of our Dev Diary series, focusing on Ara’s intriguing progression system. In this episode, our host, Steven Bell (aka @Stakuyi), interviews Michael Califf, Ara’s Lead Designer, about the game’s three main Acts and the unique Eras that take players on a journey through human history.

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So, what’s the scoop? Each Act in Ara: History Untold covers a substantial span of human history, and they come with their own set of technological Eras. Let’s break it down:

🏛️ Act 1: From the Ancient Era to the Antiquities. Here, you’ll be laying the foundation of your nation, setting the stage for the epic journey ahead.

⚔️ Act 2: Enter the Middle Ages through the Enlightenment. This act throws challenges your way in managing your citizens, making sure they’re happy and thriving.

🏭 Act 3: The Industrial Revolution all the way to the future age. This act focuses on end-goal objectives for your Nation as you steer it towards a bright (or not so bright) future.

But that’s not all – The full video on our YouTube channel is packed with tips and insights on Act Transitions, Prestige, and more!

Now, here’s where you come in! We’re all about making content that you want to see, so let us know what topics you’d like us to tackle in future episodes. Head over to our YouTube channel, hit that subscribe button, and watch the full Dev Diary episode. Your support keeps us going, and together, we’ll shape the course of history – one era at a time! 🌍